Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Saying Goodbye is never Easy

Today Michael and I along with my sister Becky, and Michael's brother Nate, went to a friend from High schools funeral. It seems as though not so long ago we were together with him and his family for his sister's funeral. The two of them were only 18 months apart, their date of death that is. His death was very sudden and unexpected. I feel so bad for his family. I was not terribly close with Joe, but his brother was my first love. So during the time I was dating Anthony, I did get to know Joe somewhat, and then did hang with him later in my high school years. He as a very good friend of my sisters. To see the pain his mom and dad were in broke my heart. It is never easy to say good bye no matter the situation. It was really nice to see some friends from high school that we haven't seen for some time though. Not a nice circumstance to have brought us together. R.I.P. Joe. We miss you!

Sydnie is having her 5, yes 5 year checkup tomorrow. Mostly routine, however she has been having spells for about 2 weeks were she is vomiting. Could just be a bug, but were she is fine for several days and then sick out of the blue, I want to have it looked at. Otherwise, just routine, and NO SHOTS! She has already had her Kindergarten shots, so we are lucky there.

The kids have their music program at school tomorrow night. I will try to get some good pictures and post them. I believe the theme this year is a traditional Christmas. So no fancy costumes this year. Maybe I could get a small video to post also.

Well please keep Dean and Terri Luckeroth and their family in your prayers tonight that they may find comfort and strength in each other to get them through the days ahead. Until next time............


Anonymous said...

This still upsets me and still seems so very unreal. I can't seem to shake my mind from it all. Makes me want to go see all my old friends no matter what the circumstances are for not having seen them in a long while. I am also coming to realize that we never really stop grieving, it never gets easier, its always still there in some form or another, we just get better at hiding our grief from others.
On another note, I can't believe Miss Sassy thing is turning 5. Now I really feel old!!

Angie said...

He will be in my thoughts-and so will his family. Life is so short sometimes, we just never know when a precious friend will go! 5 years old already-I can't believe how fast time goes. Taegan is 7 months and starting to CRAWL....look out world!