Wednesday, October 21, 2009

15 Months and ........

Well I will start with the fact that my little guy is 15 months old today. My oh my where has the time gone? I just cannot believe that he is not really a baby anymore. So what is he up to? Well, he is just into everything. As they say, he is a "shaker and a mover". He loves to run, dance, climb, and he is the biggest outdoors man that I have ever met. He loves to be outside. He is still really big into tractors and big trucks. He still has only 8 teeth in his mouth, and he does like to use them occasionally. He bites aggressively in his defense. He still has every inch of hair that he was born with, minus a trim enough to keep it out of his eyes. I am starting to think that he might be needing a hair cut soon. When you stretch out the curls, they are about middle of his shoulder blades. He talks up a storm, although, most of the time we don't know what he is saying. Some words we do understand are of course, mama, and dada, sissy, milk, tractor, yes, cracker, hmm, I can't think of any others at this time. So that is what Xavier is doing at 15 months.

Now, if you notice the time I am posting this, that is because we have been stricken with some illness at our house AGAIN. Dylan this time. He has been having a low grade temp. and tummy aches off and on since yesterday afternoon. And he got up about 2:30 this morning with a bad tummy ache. So I am sitting up with him and making sure he doesn't need anything. Gives me time to update the blog I guess. May have to hope for a nap later though. Somehow I am sure that will not happen as the girls will be getting out of school today at 11:30 for the end of the 9 weeks. So hopefully he will start to feel better soon, and no one else will be getting it.

And I will have to post pictures later, but the painter was here yesterday and got the wall going down our steps painted with the first coat anyway. And what a difference it made changing the color of that wall. I cannot wait to see the finished product. So the little projects we are trying to get done before the home tour are starting to fall into place. Now just to get it done and the decor up. But I thought I should at least wait til Halloween is over. Speaking of Halloween, Xavier is going to be a monkey, and the costume I got for him is so easy and cute. And how fitting. Can't wait til Halloween night.

So for now you are up to date on what is going on in the Boeckman house.

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