Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Daddy Duty

Well, today brings both joy and heart ache to my body. I am going to the Tina Turner concert in Kansas City tonight. I am very excited about the concert, but apprehensive about leaving the kids for an overnight get away. I know they are in the best hands possible, daddy's. I just get really homesick when I am not with them. I will be gone for about 19 hours. Funny how when I am with them all the time I need a break. But when I get the break I miss them so much. It will be good for me I'm sure.

Michael wants to go on a honeymoon sometime, as we have never taken one. After 11 years, you would have thought we would have done that by now. So this will be one baby step towards taking a longer vacation kid free. I am not sure I can do that.

So, I will take pictures and try to post them tomorrow, or this weekend. We actually have nothing going on this weekend except building fence, and Dylan's last football game on Sunday. It will be nice to be home and get something done.

1 comment:

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I hope you have a great time. I so understand the being away part. Even after being away from Kaden when Ava was in the hospital, I still am not use to leaving him. I actually think that everything that has happened has made the seperation worse...I don't even want to leave him to go to work during the week.

Hopefully it works out well for you and you guys will be able to take that honeymoon soon!!!