Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where Did We Go Wrong?

You know, I have been recapping the whole illness thing we have going on. As many of you know, Xavier was in the hospital overnight last Saturday/Sunday. And Syd, Monday and Tuesday. They mainly were hospitalized for dehydration secondary to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. As it goes, Xavier had the diarrhea since Monday of last week and intermittent vomiting. I took him to the Dr on Wednesday, and we thought it would pass but did do some lap tests on him. Turns our he had rota virus. No big deal, a normal childhood disease, which most children have had by age 5. Usually the most critical in children under the age of 2. And usually mild symptoms in older children and adults. Well, Sunday morning Michael called me at the hospital and wanted to know when I would be home for shift change. WHAT? He said he was up all night with Syd. She continued to not be able to keep anything down until Monday so I then took her to the dr. We assumed she just had a good case of the stomach flu. Really no diarrhea, just vomiting and nausea. We came home on Tuesday afternoon, and she has had the "squirts" since. So I kept her home from school again today. Michael was also sick on Tuesday and yet today is not feeling the best yet.

So now on to what I was thinking. My kids have never really been in daycare, and have been extremely healthy kids for the most part. And I was thinking back to last summer when Syd was sick with the Crypto. Where did she get that? It is usually caught from a public water source, like pools. We hadn't even been to a public pool when she got it. And not only had we not been to a public pool, we hadn't been a pool at all. She was down for a good 2 weeks with that, and to this day thinks she is a vegetarian because of it. She hasn't really eaten meat very well since.

Syd had the flu in November right around Thanksgiving. She was sick and it lasted only about a day, but came back about a week later. That was when she was vomiting so often that she got so worn out we had to take her to the dr. Maddy then had the flu in Jan.

Then Syd's asthma got really out of control in February. We had it so well controlled for 2-3 years now. What happened? She ended up in the hospital twice with that episode.

Then back in Feb./March I got pneumonia and mono. All at the same time and ended up with a pleural effusion.

And now this? What is going on? Why are we getting all these illnesses? I am not complaining. I do know that it could be a lot worse. But it just seems odd. Up until the last year, we had a few minor illnesses, colds, and 24 hour flu bugs here and there, but nothing like this.

So enough about that, I am just hoping for a good healthy summer, if it ever gets here. It is raining again today. We are so wet right now. I got most of the yard mowed yesterday in between showers. Our garden is mostly under water. We really need the sun to shine for a while to dry us out a little. We will probably be begging for rain in July. A quick story about Syd this morning. I was singing "Rain, rain, go away". And looked out and said "my, it's pouring" and Syd looked at me and said, "God is spitting on us!" Ha ha. "Mama, why is God spitting on us?" And I told her he must not have liked something that we did, but explained that we should not spit on people, even if they did something we didn't like. And she said, "Probably he doesn't like us, he likes the people in China."? What? Where did that come from? I just laughed and let it go.

Not much else going on. We have our soccer tournament this weekend. And Dylan and Syd start base/softball the end of May. Practices have already started. Won't be long and summer break will be here. Syd gets to go to Kindergarten all day tomorrow and next Friday. It is transition for next year, so they know what to expect.

I still have pictures I want to post, but am posting this from the laptop and the pictures are on my pc, so I will try to get to that later. Right now I better get back to my cleaning. Seems as though I am a couple weeks behind, and with all the illness, have tons of laundry. I also have been trying to sanitize and disinfect everything in hopes the rest of us will stay well.


Angie said...

Yikes, you guys need to get well!!! I think you have just had a string of bad luck. And man that rota virus is yucky stuff. Taegan had that too and it was not fun. No hospital stay, but 10 days later she was getting over it! Yuck. Bring on the summer and nice weather!!!!

mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

Being sick sucks!!! I hope things go better for you guys this summer. Right now I have a nagging cough and sore throat. It has lasted about 3 weeks (wow, I didn't realize it has been that long now until just now thinking about it). At first I thought it was allergies, but now I am not sure. I really need to go to the doctor but can't seem to find the time. What symptoms did you have when you had mono and pneumonia? I don't have a fever, just tired and this darn cough (it gets really bad). Well, hope to see you guys soon.

Chelly said...

Hello! I just found your blog. I follow Amy's blog (Kaden and Brody's mom). Just wanted to say hello to you. I have just one son who is 4 1/2 months old...I don't know how you do it with four! God bless you. BUT, it sounds like you have tons of fun! Hopefully everyone will get better and stay better now!

The Rice Family said...

I feel your pain.!!:) I feel like I have been sick allot this year also. I even got larengitis (spelling?) last week for the first time ever. When I asked my doc why I was getting sick so often of course he didn't really have an answer but did say that allot of people felt they were more sick this year than most. All I can say is bring on the warm weather because I am ready.