Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Deagan Michael Ronnebaum

Well today was the big day. My little nephew made his arrival into the world around 11:30 this morning. He weighed 8# 1oz. and was 19" long. Both mom and babe are doing great. When I ask Derek, the now big brother, were he was going to live and I ask if he could stay at my house, I was told it was his baby and going to HIS house. haha He is too cute, Derek that is. And Deagan is not to shabby himself. They are such a cute family, full of D boyz. Love you Kara and congrats on the new little guy.

1 comment:

Angie said...

That is great news!!!! I love new babies, just as long as they aren't coming home with me right now:)