Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunny Days and Still Sick Kids UGH!

Well the weather is beautiful. I mowed the yard for the first time this season today. I love to mow when the sun is shining and it is not too windy. The fresh air is just refreshing.

Xavier has a stomach bug. He had diarrhea yesterday after his nap and into the evening. And he wasn't real excited to eat as dinner time. Then about 8:00 or so, he vomited. He was pretty tired and worn out. He hadn't vomited for a couple hours to at 2 this morning we went to bed. He slept til about 8 this morning. Acted a little better today, just really tired. He cat napped most of the day and had a fever most of the day as well. I had taken him outside to get some fresh air after his really long nap, and he was acting much better. Like he had a little energy. Then around 6:30 I brought him in and was going to give him a little cereal for dinner tonight. He had had some Popsicles, water and a little milk (formula) today, and it all stayed down. I had just mixed the cereal and he got sick again. I tried to feed him a few bites, but he was not interested. And he was acting really tired again. So I rocked him for awhile. I needed to get a shower from mowing the yard, so I put him on a blanket in the kitchen where Michael was and went to take my shower. Well before I even got in I heard him vomit again and went to Michael's rescue to help him clean it up. He was busy making dinner. So since then X has been really unhappy. Not feeling well. He and I got in some great bonding time in the rocking chair, but I feel so bad for him. He is still running a fever, but the Tylenol didn't stay down. So I guess we will wait and see what the morning brings and I think if he is still ill, I will make him an apt with the dr. I wish all this illness would just go away. You would think with spring weather, that we would be getting out of all the bugs. Hoping for a better day tomorrow and that no one else gets it.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I am hoping for a better day for you as well. It is no fun when they are sick and that young because it just seems like whatever we do just doesn't help! Poor Xavier...hoping it is just a quick bug that he can shake soon. Cleaning up that is NO fun at all!