Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

We were happy to see the rain stop today. It was cloudy this morning, but sunny ( alittle) this afternoon. I really need to get in the grove of updating this blog at least once a week. I apologize to all of you who have been looking for the last month, wow, where did it go.

Dylan is playing full tackle football this fall. They had their first game last Sunday. They need a little practice, we will see how they do tomorrow. I have picture to post of last weeks game and will try to get to that tomorrow.

Madison, Dylan, and Syd are loving school. I received that dreaded phone call on the first day of school from Syd's teacher. I just knew she had already mouthed off, or shown her true colors. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but she is a 4 year old with attitude. BUT, it was good news, her teacher thought she may learn a little more advanced things in the morning class than the afternoon class, so she wanted to change her to mornings. It has been a good move for Sydnie. The other day, she was talking about our eyes, and whose were what color and whose matched whose. And in the midst of her conversation she asked about her big sissy Mariah. What color of eyes she has. I told her I wish I knew. I had to explain to her that we never saw her eye color before she passed. And then I told her I bet they were blue. I just have a feeling that if she were here today she would be a beautiful dark haired, blue eyed little girl. Little, tween more like it. I really hate to have to answer those questions when the kids ask, the ones I don't have a concrete answer for.

Xavier is growing like a weed. He found his voice a couple of weeks ago. All the kids were in school and he was in his swing. I was sitting on the floor by him working on business, and all of a sudden it was like he was having a conversation with someone. He had found his voice. Since then he does lots of cooing. He is a very happy baby. He only really cries when hungry or if he has a dirty diaper. He has been sleeping from 10:00 to about 4:00 as a general rule. I do have some pictures to post of him also.

We took a small vacation on Labor Day weekend to Omaha. We had a good time. Just relaxing. Took in the zoo, dinosaurs at the children's museum, and the Amazing Pizza Machine (The Cadillac of Chucky Cheese). I will post pictures also later.

So I hope that catches everyone up to speed. A friend of ours could really use your help with your prayers. He was in a serious accident on July 15, and is not recovering from a brain injury, so his wife is trying to uphold his wishes, and the life support is being turned off. You can visit them at We are praying for peace and comfort for you Mindy.

It has been a very busy time of year for us. I will try to do better in getting a post out a little sooner. Now, Michael has made dinner and I better go eat.


mommy to Kaden, Brody and angel Ava said...

I have been waiting for pictures : ). Nate said he talked to Michael about going with us to Disney On Ice. I just wanted to let you know that the tickets don't go on sale until the 31st of Oct. If you want, I can order all of yours when we order ours. Right now I think it will be my parents, sister, Miles, us three and then you guys. I figured if I ordered them altogether we would get seats next to each other. Let me know.

I can not wait to hear Xavier's voice. Baby cooing is the cutest, has he started laughing yet or is he still to young? I will check back tomorrow for pictures!!!


Anonymous said... have updated the blog. Happy that you did. I know you have been very busy, and completely understand. Can't wait to see the pictures and also looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend. Love to all, ME